Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Month update

As usual a lot has happened in the past month so I will try to sum it up and throw in a few longer stories. I got a package from my parents with lots of fun little surprise. I got some sort of stomach bug and didn’t go to school for two days. I probably could have gone on the second day but I didn’t want to risk having to use the outhouse at school. That is an adventure I am willing to avoid. I’ve suffered through some strong desires to just go home and leave the program but I’m daily praying for strength to help me make it through.

I went skiing at Bakuriani towards the end of March. It was the winter play land during the Soviet Union. While we were there we stayed with the ski jumping champion of the Soviet Union. He now runs a home stay/hotel. Very cool man. Harriet (my Kiwi friend), Kenneth and I stuck to the bunny slopes, but it was still a lot of fun. I wasn’t willing to try the big slope before getting in some practice. I jumped over a small bump and wiped out the first time, bounced back up the second time and finally made it on the third attempt. It was a lot of fun and I’m sad we didn’t go skiing sooner to try and enjoy the season fully.


Kenneth enjoying the slopes

Harriet and Kenneth stopping for a photo op

If you look carefully you can see the ski jump in the right background

On March 26th  one of my students fell ill on his walk to school. The ambulance was called from school and we missed the entire first period. We later found out it was food poisoning but that was a scary moment for me. It snowed for the last time on the 27th. I taught all of my classes alone for the first time on the 29th, my co-teachers mother was having surgery so she was not at school. Kids were better behaved than usual probably because they were threatened to be good or else. I also had to teach the next three days by myself but that turned out okay. The only struggle was having to teach 1st and 3rd at the same time and then having to try to do that with 2nd and 4th as well. I still don't know why they are in the same classroom. With two teachers it is okay, but with just one it is difficult. Attended another 40 day celebration. Every time I go I learn more about the tradition. I recently found out that this is the day they believe the soul goes to heaven so it is a day for celebration rather than mourning, but still a sad occasion.

The sun is finally out in full force and I can wear shorts during the day but it is still cool at night. It’s so good and my host mom just keeps telling everyone how much I love the sun, which is true.

I went to Italy for Easter and the week after but that will come in my next blog. Stay tuned for that adventure.

I came back to Georgia just in time for my second Easter. ქრისტე აღსდგა(kriste aghsdga)! ჭეშმარიტად(tcheshmaritad)! (The Lord is Risen! The Lord is risen indeed!)They celebrate Orthodox Easter, which is a week later, on April 15th. I imagine that some people in Georgia go to church but everyone goes to the cemetery to have a feast graveside. Everyone goes around to visit friends and family and you must drink a toast to the dead and eat food at every plot. It’s an interesting tradition but really cool too. Sometimes people also go on the Monday after Easter especially if they have family in two different cemeteries. Something else they do is they dye eggs red. You have a competition with another person to try and crack their egg. It means something if you win but I can’t remember. 
Everyone in the cemetery

Pizza, cakes, eggs and piglet. Yum.
My host mother's husband. Food on the table at the grave(table is a permanent structure)
Egg on the grave
 There was no school on Monday or today. School resumes tomorrow. My flight request to go home is due tomorrow. Soon I will know exactly when I’m coming home but I’m going to try to enjoy the rest of my time here as much a possible.

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